Anxiety Please answer the following questions: Have you worried excessively or been anxious about several things over the past 6 months? Are these worries present most days? Do you find it difficult to control the worries or do they interfere with your ability to focus on what you are doing? When you were anxious over the last 6 months, did you, most of the time: Feel restless, keyed up or on edge? Feel tense? Feel tired, weak, or exhausted easily? Have difficulty concentrating or find your mind going blank? Feel irritable? Have difficulty sleeping (difficulty falling asleep, waking up in the middle of the night, early morning wakening or sleeping excessively)? Show Results Your Score Is:You have reported no symptoms of an anxiety disorder at this time. However, if you still wish to speak with a professional, contact your BHS Care Coordinator at 800.245.1150 to discuss your available benefits. You have answered yes to 1 or more symptoms of an anxiety disorder. To learn more and discuss speaking with a professional, contact your BHS Care Coordinator at 800.245.1150.You have answered yes to at least five symptoms of an anxiety disorder. Your BHS Care Coordinator can assist you with your benefits and scheduling an appointment with a professional. Contact your BHS Care Coordinator at 800.245.1150 to learn more. Δ