Panic Please answer the following questions: Have you, on more than one occasion, had spells or attacks when you suddenly felt anxious, frightened, uncomfortable or uneasy, even in situations when most people would not feel that way? Did the spells peak within 10 minutes? (Please check the box if yes for either.) At any time in the past, did any of these spells come on unexpectedly or occur in an unpredictable or unprovoked manner? Have you ever had such an attack followed by a month or more of having another attack During the worst spell that you can remember: Did you have skipping, racing, or pounding of your heart? Did you have sweaty or clammy hands? Were you trembling or shaking? Did you have shortness of breath or difficulty breathing? Did you have a choking sensation or a lump in your throat? Did you have chest pain, pressure, or discomfort? Did you have nausea, stomach problems or sudden diarrhea? Did you feel dizzy, unsteady, light-headed or faint? Did things around you feel strange, unreal, detached, or unfamiliar, or did you feel outside of, or detached from, part or all of your body? Did you feel that you were losing control or going crazy? Did you fear that you were dying? Did you have tingling or numbness in parts of your body? Did you have hot flushes or chills? In the past month, did you have such attacks repeatedly (2 or more) followed by persistent fear of having another attack? Show Results Your Score Is:You have reported no symptoms of a panic disorder at this time. However, if you still wish to speak with a professional, contact your BHS Care Coordinator at 800.245.1150 to discuss your available benefits.You have answered yes to 1 or more symptoms of a panic disorder. To learn more and discuss speaking with a professional, contact your BHS Care Coordinator at 800.245.1150.You have answered yes to at least five symptoms of a panic disorder. Your BHS Care Coordinator can assist you with your benefits and scheduling an appointment with a professional. Contact your BHS Care Coordinator at 800.245.1150 to learn more. Δ