Social Phobia Please answer the following questions: In the past month, were you fearful of or embarrassed by being watched or being the focus of attention, or fearful of being humiliated? This includes things like speaking in public, eating in public alone or with others, writing while someone watches, or being in social situations? Is this fear excessive or unreasonable? Do you fear these situations so much that you avoid them or suffer through them? Does this fear disrupt your normal work or social functioning or cause you significant distress? Show Results Your Score Is:You have reported no symptoms of a social phobia disorder at this time. However, if you still wish to speak with a professional, contact your BHS Care Coordinator at 800.245.1150 to discuss your available benefits.You have answered yes to 1 or more symptoms of a social phobia disorder. To learn more and discuss speaking with a professional, contact your BHS Care Coordinator at 800.245.1150.You have answered yes to at least four symptoms of a social phobia disorder. Your BHS Care Coordinator can assist you with your benefits and scheduling an appointment with a professional. Contact your BHS Care Coordinator at 800.245.1150 to learn more. Δ