Tips to Manage Workplace Anxiety

Plenty of working Americans experience anxiety every day at work. This can interfere with your work life considerably, impacting your performance, relationships with others, quality of work, attendance, and morale.

The causes are different for each person, but the symptoms are often similar and include:

  • Excessive worry
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Irritability
  • Trouble falling or staying asleep
  • Panic attacks
  • Irrational fears
  • Nausea
  • Inability to eat
  • Avoiding social situations

It’s clear why these symptoms can impact you profoundly at work, and it’s hard to know how to handle this topic with your colleagues.

Should you tell your supervisor?

Only you know the relationship you have with your supervisor. If you are able to accomplish your tasks and do not feel that your symptoms are interfering with your performance, perhaps you are managing your anxiety well. If your performance is suffering or you are overly concerned about daily events and circumstances, speaking with your supervisor may provide mutual understanding as to why you are struggling. Your supervisor may be able to assist you with your workload or team up to better manage your work stress. If your work performance is suffering from your anxiety, speaking with a professional may be the best option.

What can be done?

  • Eat a healthy diet. Feeling better physically can make a huge impact.
  • Set small goals that allow you to slowly become more comfortable in anxiety-provoking situations.
  • Ensure you’re getting adequate sleep.
  • Exercise. The endorphins released when you exercise can improve your mood as well as your ability to remain calm.
  • Try mindfulness meditation. You can find guided meditations on YouTube or in various apps if you’re not sure where to start.
  • Reach out to your EAP. Your EAP is there to assist with a multitude of services, including counseling, at no cost to you.