Blake Pennington

Blake Pennington

BHS Resources for those Affected by Hurricane Harvey

Hurricane Harvey is one of the strongest weather storms to hit the U.S. in the past decade and produced the severe flooding in parts of Texas and Louisiana. BHS is here to assist our covered members who have been affected by the storm. Please see the link below to the emergency resources that will help … Read More

July is Minority Mental Health Month: Breaking the Stigma

July is Minority Mental Health Month: Breaking the Stigma

Mental health affects people from every race, religion and ethnic group. According to, one in five adults and one in ten children in America are affected by mental health. Nearly two-thirds of those affected do not seek treatment, with an even lesser percentage of minorities seeking treatment. Stigma is one of the leading reasons … Read More

America’s Opioid Crisis

America’s Opioid Crisis

The United States is in the midst of a public health crisis. Opioid abuse is currently one of America’s top health epidemics, taking mothers, fathers and children, destroying lives and breaking up families. In fact, it is the 2nd highest killer of young people. This serious epidemic must be addressed in our homes and workplaces. … Read More

May is Mental Health Month: Fighting the Stigma

May is Mental Health Month: Fighting the Stigma

The National Institute of Mental Health says that mental health conditions affect 1 in 10 Americans, with less than 25% of those seeking help. Statistics also indicate 6.9% of American adults live with major depression. Mental Health Month exists to defy stigma and create a culture of people who are aware of their options and … Read More

April is Alcohol Awareness Month

April is Alcohol Awareness Month

April is Alcohol Awareness Month, and according to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, alcohol is the most commonly used addictive substance in the United States with 17.6 million people, or one in every 12 adults, suffering from alcohol abuse or dependence. More than half of all adults have a family history of … Read More

March is National Nutrition Month

March is National Nutrition Month

Can you count your grandmother’s beloved bread pudding as a healthy recipe? As delicious as it may be with 4 cups of whole milk, one stick of butter and four eggs, you probably wouldn’t find it on a list of healthy recipes. March is National Nutrition Month, so as we celebrate, think of ways you … Read More

The Best Valentine's Gift: Heart Health

The Best Valentine’s Gift: Heart Health

February is a great time to commit or recommit to making healthier lifestyle changes that can have lasting effects on the quality of your life. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women and men in the United States, killing 1 in 4. African Americans are at the highest risk for heart disease … Read More

National Drug & Alcohol Facts Week: Drug Abuse

National Drug & Alcohol Facts Week: Drug Abuse

The gateway Taking a friend or family member’s prescription painkiller once or twice may seem innocent, but the ramifications could be more severe than you think. Some take painkillers for a quick high, thinking it is safer than taking an illicit drug such as ecstasy. What many people don’t realize, however, is opiates, drugs like … Read More

Managing Stress During the Holiday Season

Managing Stress During the Holiday Season

The holiday season is a time of joy and celebration for many, but for others, it can be just the opposite. This is a hard time of the year for a lot of people. Many times, stress and depression around the holidays are actually a result of our expectations. Expectations that the holiday will be … Read More

Heroin & Opioid Awareness Week

Heroin & Opioid Awareness Week

Alarming statistics make the rising problem of prescription use notable. For example, in one Southeastern County in six months of this year, 51 people died of heroin overdose, 46 died of fentanyl overdose and 15 died from an overdose of prescription painkillers. It’s important to remember that the problem of addiction rarely starts with heroin; … Read More